Terms of our use policies and responsibilities

Deposit in cash or check is required on ALL rentals. NO refund in case of cancellation.



Every damaged or lost chair $20.00 /USD

Every damaged or lost table $50.00 /USD

Any damage to moonwalk (Holes) $500.00 /USD

Any damage or lost to equipment (Up to) $2500.00 /USD

Cleaning moonwalk fee (Up to) $80.00 /USD

Any damage or lost Banner/Electrical Extesion Cord $50.00/USD

Any damage or lost blower $200.00/USD

This is a rental contract only and NOT a sale, the undersigned renter agrees that he/she is renting the item(s) herein described upon the express condition that it will at all times remain in the property of the renter named above that he/she has examined said item, found it to be in good condition and will return it in as good condition as when he /she received it (ordinary wear and tear excepted). He/she will promptly advise the rental agent of any item not function normally. Any damages to rented items above will be charged as listen above if renter fails to return said item(s) at agreed time or fails to abide by any of the terms of this contract the rental agent may repossess it without notice to the renter, and the rental agents is hereby re leased from all claims arising from rental. All charges are based on the time item(s) are in renter’s possession.

JAZ PARTY RENTAL is NOT responsible for accidents, claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses, obligations, liabilities, damages, or attorney fees that arise or shall result from or relate to the use of the jumper unit by renter, guest of renter, or to any other persons using the jumper unit or to any claim by any other persons injured directly or indirectly by or on account of the jumper unit while the unit is in the possession of the renter named above.


(1) Adult supervision is absolutely required at all times. 

(2) If jumper starts to deflate, all person must exit jumper unit immediately!! Check for one of the following conditions:

-The motor has stopped: in which case check the cord connection that the outlet near the motor and where the unit plugs into the house to make sure they have not come undone.

- If motor continues to run, check for blockage of the air intake screen on the side of the blower unit. Also check both air tubes on the back of the jumper unit for snugness and tighten the ties if necessary, if you can not correct the problem call 832-475-1172.

(3) All persons MUST REMOVE SHOES before playing in jumper unit.

(4) To avoid neck, back and other injuries, flips, summer-salts and rough housing ARE NOT ALLOWED!!.

(5) Remove all eye glasses before entering the bounce (jumper-unit).

(6) No sharp objects inside the bounce.

(7) No food, drinks, candy, gum or balloons inside the bounce.

(8) No silly string on or inside the bounce jumper unit.

(9) Do not pull or hang on netting.

(10) Only compatible age groups and size shall play on the jumpers unit at the same time. The maximum number of riders of each group that should play in the jumper unit at one time are:  Children 8 and under 8 / Children 9-12 6 / Older Teens 4 / Adults 2

(11) It is unsafe to stay in bounce if winds exceed 15 miles per hour please have all persons exist the jumper unit then unplug the blower unit and let bounce deflate, if winds subside, plug blower unit back in and re-inflate bounce.

(12) During periods of severe weather conditions (i.e. Rain, high, winds, etc.) JAZ PARTY RENTAL reserves the right to cancel your reservation.

(13) Lessee agrees to keep the jumper unit in he’s/her custody and not to sublease, rent, sell, remove from the delivery address.

(14) The lessee shall be in charge of the jumper unit’s operation and is fully responsible for it’s operation as well as return or the jumper unit in good working order while in possession or the lessee. Lessor and its officer, shareholders, directors, employees and agents are not responsible for injury occurring to the lessee or to any guests of lessee or to any other persons using the jumper unit while the unit is in the possession or the lessee. Lessee shall defend indemnify and hold harmless lessor and its officer, shareholders, directors, employees and agents against and in respect of all claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses, obligations, liabilities, damages, recoveries, and deficiencies, including, interest, penalties, and reasonable attorney. Fees that lessor shall incur, or suffer, which arise, result from or relate to the use of the jumper unit by lessee, any guest of lessee, or to any other person using the jumper unit or to claim by any other person injured by or on account of the jumper unit while the unit is in the possession of the lessee. THE OPERATION WILL BE SECURE ALWAYS AND WHEN YOU APPLY IN SHAPE THE RULES OF USE: Children’s safety depends on YOUR PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION AT ALL TIMES IS ABSOLUTELY REQUIERED. AS THE LESSEE OF THE JUMPERS UNIT, THE SAFETY ALL RIDERS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Lessee acknowledges the she/he has read the rules to follow during the use of the jumper unit, understands said rules, agrees to keep said rules, and has been instructed about, and fully understand the safe operation of the jumper unit. the lessee understands and agrees to these provisions. Our priority is to secure each unit jumper, canopy or tent the safest way possible. JAZ PARTY RENTAL is not responsible for any damaged water, gas or other pipe lines. It is the responsibility of the lessee, any damage or accident caused to people or property by any of JAZ PARTY RENTAL units.



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